Welcome to Allan Chesang Foundation

Our Vison is to be a leading non-profit organization that helps to improve the lives of the needy and underprivileged persons in Kenya.

Building a sustainable Future for All!

The Allan Chesang Foundation is a registered non-governmental organization in Kenya that was founded on May 24, 2015. The organization’s main objective is to promote access to quality education among needy students in Trans-Nzoia County and beyond. The foundation’s founder, Hon. Allan Chesang, is a passionate and dedicated individual who is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of the people he serves.

Our Objectives:

Our Focus

Our main focus is providing basic needs for children- water, food, clothes, home, and education.  See how we do it:

Environment Conservation & Clean Energy

Health & Well Being



Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy

Providing Food & Water

Providing Food & Water

Community Empowerment

Community Empowerment

Talent Development

Talent Development

Digital Economy

Digital Economy


Let's Change The World, Join Us Now And Become A Volunteer !

100 Million Trees Campaign!

The Allan Chesang Foundation’s “100 Million Trees Campaign” is a major initiative aimed at promoting environmental conservation in Trans-Nzoia County. The campaign aims to plant 100 million trees in five years, with the goal of improving the environment, creating jobs, and promoting sustainable development. The foundation is working with local communities, schools, and government agencies to identify areas that need reforestation and to develop a plan to plant the trees.

"The 100 Million Trees Campaign is a crucial initiative for us at the Allan Chesang Foundation. We believe that by planting 100 million trees in the next five years, we can make a significant impact on the environment and the lives of the people in Trans-Nzoia County. We hope to not only combat the effects of climate change but also improve the air quality, provide shade and even create jobs for the local communities. We urge everyone to join us in this campaign and together we can make a difference."

Checkout our Achievements

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Medical Mobile Outreaches Held

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Girls reached in the Distribution of sanitary towels 

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Households supported in Jiggers Eradication Programme

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Schools & Churches Fumigated during COVID

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Trees Planted to combat climate change

Checkout our Recent Events

Our Previous Medical camp.


The Allan Chesang Foundation is organizing a three day feeding programme across Trans-Nzoia county, in different Sub-counties. This Programme is targeting the widows in Trans-Nzoia.

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Join our Events

Borehole drilling 1

Allan Chesang Foundation Expands Borehole Drilling Initiative in Trans-Nzoia County

The Allan Chesang Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to transforming lives through access to clean and reliable water.
Food distribution 3

Allan Chesang Foundation Expands Food Distribution Efforts Across Trans-Nzoia County

The Allan Chesang Foundation continues its mission of supporting vulnerable communities through impactful food distribution programs across Trans-Nzoia County.
Our Previous Medical camp.
Our Previous Medical camp.
