Our Founder, Senator Allan Chesang’, through the foundation and, in partnership with friends of Allan Chesang’ Foundation has led a three day Easter season charity events in different parts of Kitale. He was accompanied by some of the leaders from the region. This is part of his many charity events that take place annually.
Our Founder together with different stakeholders did an anti–jigger campaign in Nabeki Chepchoina ward in Endebess constituency where more than 2000 kids affected by this deadly disease. This is aimed at alleviating the adverse effects of jiggers infestation. He said that he aims to protect the health and welfare of the community through educational outreach, hygiene promotion, and medical interventions. He later led the team and leaders in donation of sandals and shoes to ensure that they are less exposed to the female sand flea that causes jiggers.
Thereafter, the senator led his team, together with other leaders, to a feeding programme where more than 5000 people in different wards in Kitale, where each was given a bag of dry food stuffs, an initiate that aims at ensuring every household is supplicated, especially during this Easter season. It was a moment to share and merry as the people interacted with their senator.
He later visited St. Phillip’s Grassland Secondary school in Saboti Constituency, Precious Kids Chiildren’s Home in Kiminini Constituency, AIC KOBOS Girls and, St. Maurice Girls schools both in Kwanza Constituency. The Senator noted the conspicuous absence of bursary opportunities for students, a shortage of teachers in certain subjects and in response, he not only offered words of encouragement to the students but also, engaged them in discussions about the challenges they might encounter as students and how to overcome them.
Additionally, he distributed sanitary towels to the girls from different institutions in the region and pledged to advocate to ensure that no girl child will miss school due to lack of sanitary towels. Adding that he is committing to lead policies aimed at fostering governmental support for schools grappling with similar predicaments. Our team shared with the girls the importance of good menstrual hygiene.
After the series of these charity events our founder expressed his gratitude to all who supported the initiatives, and reiterated his unwavering dedication to continue until he, together with the stakeholders, effectively eliminate this afflictions from the community.
Charity is not about pity but love and always remember, not all of us can do great things, but we can all all do small things with great love.